Payment Methods
You can pay your order in the following ways:
Payment via bank accounts. Pay off your order at one of the following banks we collaborate with.
Account number: 104/440754-76
IBAN: GR0801101040000010444075476
Account number: 369002320000800
IBAN: GR 9601403690369002320000800
Alpha Bank –branch Kolonaki
2, Patriarchou Ioakim Str.
Athens -10674
When depositing the money, you must fill in your name, surname and order number as it appears in the e-mail that you will have received or at “my account”
To expedite the procedure, after depositing the money in the bank or through e-banking, send us the deposit slip at in an e-mail so that your order can proceed. You can inform us at telephone number +30 211 013 6605 [from 9am to 5pm except weekends and public holidays.]
You must deposit the money in one of THE COMPANY’ above bank accounts strictly within 5 work days from the confirmation of your order, otherwise your order will be cancelled.
2.Payment by credit or debit card. The process of payment is done by the National Bank of Greece which through NBG e-commerce covers all the needs that arise from card transactions from a distance. In this way it ensures the safety of your transaction. This service supports payments by credit, debit and pre-paid cards [VISA, MASTERCARD, MAESTRO, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DINERS], as well as payment via “”wallet”. Upon entering the details on your card, the bank withholds the money. The charge takes place as soon as your order goes through.
Security through bank transactions
All payments through the use of cards go through NBG e-commerce at NBG BANK, which uses the encoding system 128-bit [Secure Sockets Layer-SSL] does not in any way save your credit card information and for this reason, asks you to fill them in again every time you use your credit cared for transactions on the site. In this way all transactions are completely safe.
Discounts cannot be combined with other coupons or promotional offers.